
Can someone logged into my Instagram account see ...

2023年2月6日 — No, someone logged into your Instagram account on their device will not be able to see your search history. Search history on Instagram is tied ...

Clear your Instagram search history

Clear your Instagram search history · 1. Tap or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile. · 2. Tap in the top right. · 3. Tap Accounts ...

Clear your Instagram search history

Clear your Instagram search history · 1. Tap at the top. · 2. Tap Accounts Center, then tap Your information and permissions. · 3. Tap Search history. · 4. Tap ...

How to Clear Your Instagram Search History

2022年9月3日 — Go to Instagram, log into your account, and select the search bar at the top of the page. You'll see a list of your recent searches. Select the ...

How to View Instagram Search History? [Tested 2023]

To see your most recent searches, choose one of these tabs. For example, tap the People tab to find people you've previously searched for and the Tags tab to ...

How to view your full Instagram search history

2022年11月10日 — Step 1: Click on your Profile and then go to the Menu. Step 2: Click on Settings and then select Security. Step 3: ...

See your Instagram account history

See your Instagram account history ; 1. Tap or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile. ; 2. Tap in the top right. ; 3. Below How you use ...

See your link history on Instagram

You can view websites you've visited on Instagram in the past 30 days in the link history page of Your activity. Link history is a list of links to the ...


2023年2月6日—No,someoneloggedintoyourInstagramaccountontheirdevicewillnotbeabletoseeyoursearchhistory.SearchhistoryonInstagramistied ...,ClearyourInstagramsearchhistory·1.Taporyourprofilepictureinthebottomrighttogotoyourprofile.·2.Tapinthetopright.·3.TapAccounts ...,ClearyourInstagramsearchhistory·1.Tapatthetop.·2.TapAccountsCenter,thentapYourinformationandpermissions.·3.TapSearchhistory.·4.Ta...